Special Educational Needs
and Disability Tribunals

B A C K G R O U N D _ C O L O R
Where parents and Local Education Authorities cannot agree about whether a child has special educational needs which requires a full assessment, the degree of difficulty being experienced, the level of provision required or what school a child should attend (the named school), parents usually have the right to appeal to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST).
Since LEAs will usually bring one or two expert witnesses to the SEN Tribunal as well as the LEA representative, parents may wish to bring their own expert witness or witnesses to ensure that technical and factual details of the case are argued and understood.
If a Psychological Assessment has been conducted by Michael Biddulph, he will be happy to attend the Special Educational Needs Tribunal hearing as an expert witness. A fee will be charged for preparation time and attendance at the tribunal, and in certain circumstances for accommodation and travelling time if the venue cannot be easily reached.
For further information, contact :-

Michael Biddulph BSc. M.Sc. Dip.Sp.Ed. CPsychol.
Educational Psychologist ~ Chartered Psychologist
Telephone: 01392 876040
[From outside the UK ~ Telephone: +44 [0]1392 876040]
26A Elm Grove Road, Topsham, Exeter, Devon EX3 0EQ. UK

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